In 2013, times were tough, and the old pool was not far off washing away down Enoggera Creek.
And so, the Old Boys answered the call. Led by swimming stalwart, Stuart Laing (1978), the OBs put together a fund-raising evening for the ages.
That night threw up one famous photo from 1973 featuring three of the College’s future swimming legends – Steve Geraghty, Michael Bohl and Michael Thorpe (all then in grade 6). Magically, that very same photo was recreated 40 years on on that memorable night.
Steve went on to produce 4 sons who returned to the College, and Thorpie another 3 – but we are not sure what that young Bohl kid got up to. Some say he is a coach these days.
Brilliant stuff boys. Each time they do a lap in that magnificent new pool, the swimmers of today pay homage to the history you created and your love of the College.